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Contact me

(I won't Communicate with: pedophiles, uttp, racists, homophobes, forkies and terrorists)

First, I will introduce about myself and then my social medias.

My name is Dave (nickname is daveplaysgames, formerly retardthefake), I'm 24 years old (birthdate: 4/20/2000, my birthdate is very sussy but that's true). I am a C#, HTML and VBScript programmer and a dumbass TG/TF artist ahah-(if you're staring at the phrase "TG/TF" just to commission me, or sending me ur malwares or telling me to make one, ALWAYS remember not to request me anything, srsly its annoying and ill just ignore u or even block u). If you want to contact me, please email to this address: daveplaysgames4411@gmail.com or Discord: daveplaysgames#4411

I also have a files.fm account: files.fm/retardthefake (you may find large files here, don't download files with sussy names)

My useless archive.org account (semi-active): https://archive.org/details/@ceilingfanlover

For some tech and nerdy stuffs, visit my YT channel: https://youtube.com/@daveplaysgames4411

Note: I live in the GMT +7 timezone, so I won't respond your messages right after you send them

Wanna contact me if you don't have social media accounts?

No problem!

Please fill out information in the contact form below. The form is created in Formspree (I recommend you to use it too!)

Credits: go to the home page

Note: you can leave blank the enter name part